Building Community

A Platform for Support.

If we do not know how to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, we cannot take care of the people we love.” - Thich Nhat Hahn


What we do.

YANA.SUPPORT is a digital platform dedicated to offering emotional support groups. We provide one-on-one sessions with facilitarors and the opportunity to participate in open virtual group settings. Our foremost priority is to ensure that each individual joining YANA feels a sense of safety and empowerment, with a strong commitment to maintaining confidentiality for all members.

Our Mission

At YANA, our mission is to provide accessible virtual emotional support. Compassion lies at the heart of YANA, and self-care is central to our philosophy. We aim for you to discover healing, receive support, and attain empowerment through our platform.

Let us guide you on a path to healing.

During moments of emotional distress, we face a choice: confront our pain or seek escape. Frequently, this suffering drives us towards substances or behavioral patterns such as workaholism, shopping, love addiction, overeating, or obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Our program is thoughtfully crafted to help you reconnect with your authentic self and equip you with the tools necessary to foster healthy relationships. Join us on the journey towards healing and transformation.

We are committed to everyone getting the care that they need so that no one is alone. Our groups are complimentary online support groups (donations welcome) that are accessible to everyone who is facing anxiety, difficulties with intimacy, loss, and self-destructive behaviors.


Our Guide to Healing.

See Our Groups

In our groups, we initiate members into the art and practice of compassion, placing significant emphasis on fundamental principles like deep listening, self-reflection, and the application of reflective therapy techniques. The bedrock of YANA's philosophy is a steadfast dedication to compassion. We uphold the belief that every member should encounter a secure and nurturing environment where they can openly and authentically express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

At YANA, we wholeheartedly embrace deep listening as a core practice within our groups. This practice yields a multitude of benefits, including heightened mindfulness, reduced stress levels, enhanced concentration, and a profound connection with the present moment. Ultimately, deep listening fosters greater empathy and understanding in our interactions with others, contributing to our commitment to compassionate and meaningful connections.

The YANA Self-Reflection Technique is a method that prioritizes attaining a serene state of mind before engaging in introspection. It centers around uncovering the "What" and "Why" of self-reflection, gradually delving deeper into one's emotions and thoughts. By conscientiously observing one's thoughts and actions in everyday life, the YANA program utilizes self-reflection as a means for personal growth and transformation, always emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and fostering a compassionate learning approach. Ultimately, self-reflection is depicted as a sacred and harmonious solo dance, leading to heightened self-awareness and a more balanced life.

Identification with personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts serves as a cornerstone of our reflective practice. When sharing, we encourage you to draw from your own unique journey and perspective, allowing for a more profound and authentic exchange of insights and reflections within our community. The group's format is marked by its strong commitment to creating a structured and safe environment that fosters open self-expression, encourages reflective listening, delves into emotions and experiences, facilitates constructive feedback, and embraces the rich tapestry of diverse perspectives. The outcomes frequently extend well beyond the confines of the group sessions, leading to enduring personal and professional growth, thus endowing these gatherings with a cherished role as a valuable resource for gaining profound insights into one's behavior, emotions, and relationships.

Through identification, we can reflect on our own personal experience, feelings, and thoughts. So, when you share, please share from your own personal experience.

While attending the meeting, we ask that you dress appropriately. Do not be like the network news reporter who got caught on air wearing shorts under his suit top. Wear pants, even if you think nobody will see them.

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