Support Groups Near Me

A Valuable Source of Support

YANA has support groups for almost any topic, concern, or health condition.


Support Group Overview

Have you thought about attending a support group over individual therapy? Depending on the nature of your issue, support groups may be the best option for dealing with your worries and bringing about positive changes in your life.

Support Group Structure

In a support group, one or more facilitators oversee a group of five to fifteen group members. Group meetings often last an hour or two. Some people participate in both group and individual coaching sessions, while others solely attend a support group.

Many support groups are formed to address a specific issue, such as depression, obesity, panic disorder, social anxiety, chronic pain, or substance abuse. Other groups focus more broadly on social skills development, assisting people in dealing with a variety of issues such as anger, shyness, loneliness, and low self-esteem. Groups frequently assist those who have suffered a loss, whether it is the death of a spouse, a child, or a suicide.

The Benefits of Attending a Support Group

The idea of joining a group of strangers may seem intimidating at first, but support group has advantages that individual counseling does not.

According to mental health professionals, group members are almost always surprised by how rewarding the group experience can be.

Groups can serve as a support network as well as a sounding board. Other group members frequently assist you in developing specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge and hold you accountable along the way.

Talking and listening to others on a regular basis can also help you put your own problems into perspective. Many people struggle with mental health issues, but few openly discuss them with people they don't know well. You may believe that you are the only one suffering, but you are not. It can be reassuring to hear others talk about their experiences and realize you're not alone.

Another significant advantage of support group is its diversity. People have various personalities and backgrounds, and they approach situations in various ways. You can learn a variety of strategies for dealing with your own concerns by observing how others deal with problems and make positive changes.

How to Join Support Group?

Ask your doctor or therapist for recommendations on a good support group to attend. You can also check with local hospitals and medical centers as well. They frequently sponsor various groups. When you find a support group that you like, consider the following questions:

Is the group active or inactive?

Open groups are those that accept new members at any time. Closed groups are formed when all members join at the same time. They could all participate in a 12-week session together, for example. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. When joining an open group, there may be a period of adjustment while getting to know the other attendees. If you want to join a closed group, you may have to wait several months before one becomes available.

What is the size of the group?

Smaller groups allow for more time to focus on each individual, but larger groups provide greater diversity and perspectives. If you have any questions about attending our support groups, speak to one of our trained facilitators at YANA Support.

How similar are the members of the group?

Groups typically function best when members face similar challenges and perform at comparable levels.

Is a support group adequate enough?

Many people find that participating in both a support group and individual counseling is very helpful. Participating in both types of counseling can increase your chances of breaking unhealthy behaviors. If your progress in individual counseling has stalled, joining a group may jump-start your personal growth.

How much should I divulge?

The importance of confidentiality in support group is emphasized in the ground rules. However, there is no absolute guarantee of privacy when sharing personal information with others, so use caution when disclosing personal information. However, keep in mind that you are not the only one who is sharing your personal story. Groups function best when members communicate openly and honestly with one another.

Group members will begin as strangers, but after a short time, you will most likely regard them as a valuable and trusted source of support.

Support Group Modality

YANA has support groups for almost any topic, concern, or health condition. Substance abuse, depression, anxiety, narcissistic abuse, relationship abuse, divorce, grief, and eating disorders are all common types of mental health issues addressed in our groups. While some of our support groups are led by professionals, many of our groups are led by trained and certified facilitators.

Here are nine advantages to joining a support group:

1. Understanding you're not alone

Most people who attend our support groups for the very first time, are quite surprised how much they identify with the other group participants. People frequently add, "You know, before I joined the group, I believed I was the only one in the world struggling with the same issue. I was shocked to learn that everyone in the group was experiencing the same problems as me." This insight typically results in a sense of relief because the individual learns—possibly for the first time in their life—that others have experienced a similar situation and are available to support and encourage them.

2) Expressing your emotions

You will feel more comfortable sharing your feelings and life circumstances with the group once you realize you are not alone and are in a safe and supportive environment. When you discover that the other members of the group will listen to you without passing judgment and will commend you for your openness and courage, it can be a very therapeutic and healing experience.

3) Acquiring useful information

Members share their success stories and the strategies that helped them move forward in their recovery, and support groups provide a wealth of practical tips and resources for dealing with identified concerns. Some groups concentrate on teaching and practicing specific coping strategies. Many groups will also provide book and website recommendations for additional study outside of group meetings.

4) Better social skills

Through meeting and conversing with other group members, you have the opportunity to practice social skills and communicate with others more successfully. Frequently, mental illness or addiction has contributed to social isolation. Support groups give a safe environment for regaining comfort with others.

5) Finding hope

It is extremely motivating to observe other group members who are further along the road to recovery and who have made significant gains toward happier and healthier lives. These positive instances demonstrate that improvement is possible, giving you a sense of optimism about the future.

6) Lowering anxiety

As you work through various issues and concerns in the group, it is common to experience a reduction in overall distress and unease. This is a positive indication that you are making progress and feeling better.

7) Increased self-awareness

You develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your needs, and your unique personality as you acquire more effective coping and problem-solving skills. You can also gain a deeper understanding of the factors that have contributed to your current challenges and the strategies that appear to be the most effective for achieving your goals.

8) Assisting others

How you benefit from the group experience, you can also assist other group members as you develop and advance. Others will be positively impacted by hearing about your accomplishments and observing your kind and compassionate nature. You will also feel better when you are able to assist another person. Numerous organizations will state explicitly that helping others is a central component of their mission.

9) Cost-effectiveness

Another advantage of support groups is that they are very inexpensive. In fact, many groups are free, and they are all usually less expensive than individual therapy sessions.

If you're considering joining a support group if you haven't already done so. If you're not sure which groups to join, ask your health care provider or dial 1-833-676-9404 to speak to one of our support group facilitators. Commit to attending at least a few meetings because it will take some time to relax and feel at ease in a new group.

Attend the group on a regular basis once you've determined it's a good fit for you. Take in information and effective coping strategies from other members who are succeeding. When you feel the time is right, tell your story, your struggles, your fears, and your triumphs. Encourage, validate, and congratulate other group members for making progress toward their goals.

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